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Home For Patients Dental Blog The Process of Getting an Oral Biopsy is Relatively Simple

The Process of Getting an Oral Biopsy is Relatively Simple

Posted on 1/25/2021 by Dr McMurray
The Process of Getting an Oral Biopsy is Relatively SimpleSometimes we need to obtain an oral biopsy to proceed with an oral surgical treatment. While it sounds complicated, an oral biopsy is actually a relatively simple process.

When an Oral Biopsy is Indicated

According to the Medscape platform online, an oral tissue biopsy may be required for a lesion that cannot be diagnosed clinically or historically. Therefore, a tissue sample may need to be extracted for a more in-depth analysis. This is usually done with a microscope.

What Happens During an Oral Biopsy?

To understand what happens when an oral biopsy takes place, you need to know more about the types of biopsies that are usually performed. According to the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) and the American Cancer Society, an oral biopsy usually is recommended to check for cancerous cells. Therefore, the procedure may take the form of exfoliative cytology, incisional biopsy, or excisional biopsy. An exfoliative cytology involves gently scraping cells from an area to examine them. In the case of an incisional biopsy, a small piece of tissue is removed for analysis. This type of biopsy is usually performed in-office under a local anesthesia.

An excisional biopsy necessitates removing most of the area under observation, including a small amount of healthy tissue. This type of biopsy may require stitches, which dissolve after about 10 days. After a biopsy is performed, you will receive the results in about 2 to 3 days. If treatment is needed, we will set up a time for a consultation. While a biopsy procedure may sound complicated, the whole process only takes about 15 minutes, from beginning to end. When stitches are required, the stitches dissolve in about 2 weeks.

Oral biopsies do not take much of a patient's time and allow us to determine a course of treatment or rule out a suspected illness or disease. If you need to schedule an oral biopsy, we can easily accommodate your schedule. Call us for any of your oral surgery healthcare needs.

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