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Home Side Effects of Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Side Effects of Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Posted on 5/10/2021 by Dr McMurray
Side Effects of Wisdom Tooth ExtractionWisdom tooth extraction is one of those scary dental procedures that many people dread the most.

The idea of having a tooth extracted is surely scary, but what scares people more is the risk of possible side effects that can occur after the extraction procedure.

While the side effects aren't exactly very serious or dangerous, it is best to be aware and educate yourself so that you know what to expect and how to deal with the symptoms.

Extensive Swelling

Swelling is completely normal after wisdom tooth extraction, and it usually subsides within 24-48 hours.

However, there are times when the swelling doesn't go away and continues to persist even after a few days. In this case, it's best to consult your oral surgeon and let them know about it so that they can suggest the right treatment methods.

Pain And/Or Bleeding

Swelling is often accompanied by pain and bleeding, and these side effects are also normal for almost every patient. It typically stops within a few hours after you've had the tooth extraction. However, if the bleeding and pain seem to persist for long, consult your oral surgeon immediately to find out what's wrong.


Wisdom tooth extraction often causes sensitivity in the teeth around the extracted tooth, so it's best if you avoid consuming hot or cold drinks and foods for a few hours to prevent the sensitivity from worsening.


This is rare, but infections can occur after a wisdom tooth extraction procedure.
An infection typically develops at the extraction site, resulting in pain and swelling, as well as several flu-like symptoms, high fever, and fatigue.

In case you've been experiencing any of these side effects after your getting your wisdom tooth extraction done, call us at 408-479-9449 to schedule an appointment with our oral surgeons.

At South Valley Oral and Facial Surgery, Dr. McMurray and Dr. Chehrehsa will take a look at your teeth and prescribe you the appropriate treatment options to deal with the side effects.
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