How long are All-on-4 implants expected to last? The lifespan of All-on-4 implants has a long history. Studies show that they can last for 20 years or longer with the right treatment. Even though your denture may eventually deteriorate, the implant posts should last a lifetime. Though this may change over time, 99% of items last for 10 years or longer before needing to be replaced. We offer the best services, so stop by our South Valley Oral and Facial Surgery facilities.
To offer your new smile the best chance of success, it's critical to choose a professional dentist to perform your surgery. Following the delivery of your dental implant, it is vital that you practice proper oral care at home and visit your dentist at least twice a year for a cleaning and checkup.
What is the All-on-4® Treatment Concept?
The groundbreaking All-on-4 implant-retained denture addresses several of the key drawbacks of conventional dentures. In the thickest areas of the jaw, four dental implant posts are implanted. Therefore, bone grafting might not be necessary. As a result, All-on-4 might be the best choice for you if you've previously been told that your bone density prevents you from being a good candidate for dental implants.
You may even be able to receive a temporary denture on the same day as your surgery to avoid tooth loss while you heal. Despite the fact that fewer posts are used than in a traditional implant-retained denture, you will still obtain the same benefits and stability.
What Are Dental Implants?
Dental implants are man-made tooth roots. Implants can firmly support removable or fixed (permanent) replacement teeth which are made to match your original teeth.
Dental implants have a success rate of up to 98% in general, though this varies depending on where they are implanted in the jaw. Implants can last a lifetime if properly cared for. Everyone who is healthy enough to have oral surgery or routine tooth extraction can usually be considered for a dental implant. The patient's bone density and gum health must be adequate to support the implant. They must also be committed to maintaining appropriate dental hygiene and scheduling regular dentist appointments. People who smoke heavily should quit smoking, as smoking can greatly decrease healing after dental implantation. Those who have uncontrolled chronic conditions such as diabetes or heart disease, and those who have undergone radiation therapy to the head or neck may not be candidates for dental implants.
What is a Dental Bridge?
A dental bridge is used to restore missing teeth permanently. The bridge is held in place by the teeth on either side of the gap. Bridges are often made of zirconia, porcelain, metal, or a combination of the two materials. They are fixed in place and can be used as an alternative to dentures for some people.
A dental bridge may be necessary if you have healthy teeth on each side of the space where a tooth or teeth used to be and one or more missing teeth. First, the dentist will examine the mouth for tooth decay and treat any gum disease that may exist. They may take an x-ray in addition to measuring the mouth and teeth.
To make a place for a dental bridge, the dentist usually files down the two teeth on either side of the gap. They will next use a mold to construct the bridge. If you have a missing tooth, you may need a dental bridge.
You may be provided a temporary bridge while your permanent bridge is being built. If so, that is removed once your permanent bridge is ready.
Once the permanent bridge is complete, dental cement is used to attach it to the neighboring healthy teeth. As an alternative, the dentist may anchor the bridge using a dental implant, which is inserted into the jaw surgically. If dental implants are right for you, the dentist will need to make that determination. Fluoride toothpaste should be used to brush and floss your bridge exactly like you would your natural teeth. Additionally important are routine dental appointments.
Dental bridges can help restore a person's smile and prevent them from feeling self-conscious about lost teeth. Filling in the gap created by missing teeth is particularly crucial because if the gap is not filled, the surrounding teeth may lean towards the space and modify the way a person bites over time. Bridges can last for many years if properly maintained. They can, however, fail, mainly due to decay of the natural teeth near them or cement failure.
The primary alternative to a dental bridge is to use removable artificial teeth, known as a partial denture, that may be removed for cleaning. A dental implant is another option.
What is Tooth Extraction?
Aside from the fact that many adolescents and adults have their wisdom teeth out, there are other reasons why tooth extraction can be necessary for adulthood.
Because of serious dental decay, infection, or crowding, a tooth may need to be extracted. When wearing braces, some people may need to have one or two teeth extracted to provide a place for the other teeth as they realign. Furthermore, compromised teeth may need to be extracted to preserve oral health in people undergoing chemotherapy or awaiting an organ transplant.
A tooth extraction is performed by a dentist or oral surgeon and is a relatively quick outpatient procedure that can be performed under local, general, intravenous, or a combination of anesthetics. Teeth that are visible can be easily extracted. For a free consultation and to learn more about All-on-4 dental implants or even All-on-6 contact 408-479-9449 or visit South Valley Oral and Facial Surgery.